Get the loan that will put you behind the wheel and choose the add-ons that will give you extra peace of mind.

Auto Loan

Whether new or used, we can provide financing for the vehicle that meets your mileage, safety, and style requirements. Contact one of our loan officers to get pre-approved before you start shopping.

Effective Date: Friday, February 28, 2025

Consumer Loan Rates

New or Used Autos (36 months or less) 3.25% - 13.25% APR
New or Used Autos (60 months or less)3.50% - 13.50% APR
New or Used Autos (72 months or less)4.00% - 14.00% APR
New or Used Autos (84 months or less)4.75% - 14.75% APR
Classic Used Autos (72 months or less)8.50% - 18.00% APR

APR indicates annual percentage rate. Monthly payment amount approximately $18.83 on $1,000 for 60 months at 4.90% APR. Loans available to qualified members only.

Credit Life & Disability Insurance

What's your back up plan? This added protection ensures that your loan payments will be made in the event of your disability or death.

Guaranteed Auto Protection (GAP)

In the event your vehicle is stolen or damaged beyond repair, GAP pays the difference between your vehicle insurance company’s settlement and the remaining loan amount up to the maximums allowed by the credit union and/or state.

Mechanical Repair Coverage

Car repairs can be expensive, but Member's Choice Mechanical Repair Coverage (MRC) is available to cover the costs of mechanical repairs. It also protects you from the potential cost and inconvenience of covered breakdowns with 24-hour roadside assistance, towing, emergency travel expense, and rental reimbursement.